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Frankie Cosmos

NAME: Frankie Cosmos

GENRE: Lo-Fi / Indie Pop

SOUNDS LIKE: Japanese Breakfast / Mitski / Girlpool

Greta Kline of Frankie Cosmos is a singer-songwriter who uses a DIY sensibility to write beautiful songs about everything, from dogs and kissing to darkness and being 20. She has been incredibly prolific throughout her career, having been releasing songs on Bandcamp since 2009. However, it wasn't until her official debut album Zentropy came out in 2014 when I first started listening. I was immediately drawn to the simplicity of her music and the themes she sang about, which made me feel like I could write music too. Just last year, Kline released her follow up album, Next Thing. It showcases a more developed sound, but didn’t let go of any of the beautiful integrity I've grown to expect from her.

Recently, I spoke to Greta Kline about her life, her inspirations, and of course, Marnie the Dog.

Read the interview with Greta Kline of Frankie Cosmos below.


KELLY: How would you describe Frankie Cosmos in three words?

KLINE: My Cool Band

Are you working on any new projects right now? How’s that going?

We are currently finishing up the new Frankie Cosmos record! It's going swimmingly!

I read that you named Frankie Cosmos after the poet Frank O’Hara. What draws you to his work? What would you recommend to read as an introduction to his poetry?

I was really drawn to the way that he takes seemingly small moments, and thinks about them deeply and makes something bigger out of them. I think a good introduction to his work is Lunch Poems. It's a small book of poems he wrote during his lunch breaks.

What is inspiring you right now? What songs or poems or books or other media are you into currently?

I love Margaret Atwood. I'm trying to read as many books (novels & poetry) of hers as I can! I've also been listening to the new Big Thief record & the new Cende record!

I noticed via Instagram that you shaved your hair off relatively recently! It looks awesome. What made you decide to do that?

I stopped caring about the way I looked, and I hated taking care of my long hair, so I just got rid of it all.

I love your cover of Fishbowl by Kero Kero Bonito! On the surface KKB’s music seems pretty different to Frankie Cosmos. What draws you to them and inspired you to make that cover?

KKB is very different from Frankie Cosmos, but they make some of the only music out there that all of my bandmates agree is amazing. We have done many tours where we listen to their albums every day in the car. We pestered them on the internet until we became real life friends, and they reached out to us about being part of their remix comp! Since we aren't DJs, we did a cover instead of a remix. It was really fun!

What do you think drives you to create music?

Songs just come to me naturally, I can't stop making them. It's my way of sorting through my feelings, like having a conversation with myself.

What advice would you have for young girls who want to make music but might doubt themselves and their skill level?

Each of us has a unique voice; you and only you are going to be able to make the art that you are going to make. If you don't make it, no one ever will…So just let yourself make art (if you want to)! As for skill level, you will only get better the more you practice and play around.

I've got to ask, what is Marnie the dog like in person?

She's an angel! She brings joy to everyone in the room.

Anything else you wanna say to the internet?

Get off the internet and go outside! <3


Listen to the latest Frankie Cosmos album, Next Thing.

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