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America - By Yes

TITLE: America


GENRE: Prog Rock / Classic Rock

MOOD: Dream-like

SIMILAR TO: King Crimson, Emerson, Lake & Palmer

Originally written by Simon and Garfunkel, Yes’s rendition of “America” appears on their 2003 reissue of Fragile as merely a bonus track, though it hardly feels like one. The classic prog band fleshes out the song completely, nearly tripling it in length and leaving it unrecognizable in comparison to the original. Much like the album’s cover art, “America’s” prelude is expansive and whimsical, seamlessly switching between complex rhythmic ideas yet still finding the time to make reference to West Side Story around 1:44.

Anderson’s soaring vocals enter alongside subtle harmonies and dynamic accompaniment. From declaring “the man in the gabardine suit...a spy,” to “counting the cars on the New Jersey Turnpike,” the juxtaposed reality and surreality of the lyrics are further accentuated by his ambitious melodies and powerful performance. The listener is finally relieved by a feel-good guitar solo, rich in tone, after minutes of challenging music. A reprise of the last verse concludes the ten-minute odyssey, which smoothly dissipates into thin air, like a dream in the morning hours.

"America" - Simon & Garfunkel

"America" - Yes

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